Join Hard Rock Resources on Google Plus for Alberta oil and gas aquisition, development and production.
Oil and gas company alberta

Hard Rock Resources is a privately owned oil & natural gas company engaged in the acquisition, development and production of natural gas and oil in Alberta. Hard Rock's strategy is based on increasing cash flow by acquiring additional PNG rights.


Hard Rock has an established technical management team with a proven track record of successfully acquiring and developing properties throughout Alberta.

Health, Safety, Environment

Hard Rock is committed to operating its business in a way that protects the health and safety of its employees, contractors, community and the environment while promoting the long-term sustainability of the oil and gas industry.

Nothing is more important than protecting people from harm;
Our impact on the environment will be minimized and mitigated;
Efficient use of all natural resources is essential.

Main Office


Hard Rock Resources Ltd.
78 Burnt Park Drive
Red Deer, AB
T4P 0L3

Join Hard Rock Resources on Google Plus for Alberta oil and gas aquisition, development and production.